Recently the latest instalment of the Planet of the Apes film series
was released. Riding high on the success of the previous movie, Dawn
of the Planet of the Apes opened to box office success and critical
acclaim. Although not an official remake, Dawn shares more than a
passing resemblance to the 1973 Apes movie, Battle for the Planet of the Apes.
One of the main differences between the two films is their positions within
their respective series. Where as Battle
was the final film in a successful series that was facing decreasing budgets, Dawn,
is the second movie in a rebooted series that is just hitting its
straps. The original Apes series grew out of a movie that
never intended to have a sequel, let alone four. On the other hand, Dawn
is part of a pre-planned narrative cycle that moves towards the original Planet
of the Apes concept and story line.
The Story Thus Far
Many people would be unaware that the Planet of the Ape
began originally as a French novel, Las Planète de Singes by the author
Pierre Boulle. Famous in English speaking countries for his novel and the subsequent
film, Bridge over the River Kwai (1954), Boulle wrote Las
Planète de Signe, a science fiction satire in 1963. Translated in
English a Monkey Planet in 1964, Boulle felt the novel to be one of his
minor works and potentially unfilmable. However, Boulle was surprised when in
1968, Las Planète de Singes leaped onto the big screen internationally
as the Hollywood block buster Planet
of the Apes. Following it’s box office success, Planet of the Apes,
spawned four cinematic sequels, two TV series (live action and animated), more
books, comics and a whole range of Apes merchandise. However by 1977
the Planet
of the Apes franchise had seemed to have run it’s course. With the
animated series finished and the last British annual and Marvel Comic being
produced, the Apes phenomena was soon lost beneath the Star Wars tsunami that
would soon engulf the world. Besides a series of 5 telemovies, edited together
from episodes of the live action television show and a Hungarian comic adaption
of the original novel, both in 1981, all seemed quiet on the simian front.
However by the late 80’s rumours of a new Apes
project began to surface. By 1990 original comics based in the world of the Apes
movies began to appear. Eventually a another movie adaption of the original novel
appeared in 2001 and the Apes merchandising machine began to
roll again. Although successful, 20th Century Fox Studios decided not to follow
this movie up with a sequel but to reboot the series altogether. In 2011 Rise
of the Planet of the Apes appeared in cinemas. Rise retold the origin
story of Planet of the Apes. Instead of having intelligent apes from the
future come back to the past to set in motion the ape revolution, Rise
presented the origin of Ape civilisation as being the by product of human
experimentation on apes in the search of a cure for Alzheimer’s. Drawing some
comparisons with Conquest of the Planet of the Apes, the
fourth film in the original Apes series, Rise was even more successful than its
2001 predecessor. Very soon a sequel, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, was in
Dawn continued the story set up in Rise. Eschewing some of
the Frankenstein themes raised in the first film, this movie explored the ‘fear
of the other’ and the selfishness of revenge in the face of acceptance and
forgiveness. Taking place ten years after the previous film, we learn that the
virus, originally designed to cure Alzheimer’s and had caused the intelligence
to grow exponentially in the apes, had gone on to decimate the human
population. Many of the humans that were left had then turned on themselves,
decreasing the human population even further. Meanwhile the super intelligent
apes had continued to breed and advance, unaware that some humans still
existed. It is when a group of humans enter into the ape’s forest that things
become complicated. Also oblivious to the apes existence, the humans had come
hoping to reactive a hydro electric damn to give the ruined San Francisco power once again. Despite the
trust that develops between Caesar and several of the humans, war eventually
breaks out between apes and humans. The conflict is instigated by the revenge
filled bonobo, Koba (Toby Kebell) and the fear driven human leader, Dreyfus (Gary
A Comparison of Battle
and Dawn
In many ways this film is has much in common with Battle
for the Planet of the Apes (1973) the 5th instalment in the
original series. Both films serve a similar function in the wider narrative of
the Apes
saga, both depicting the rise of ape society post apocalypse and the
deterioration of human civilisation. In the forefront of both versions of ape
society is an ape named Caesar. It is he who has lead the apes to emancipation
from their human masters. However, these two versions of Caesar are radically
different in origin. The Caesar in Battle is
the child of Cornelius and Zira, the two chimpanzees from the original Planet
of the Apes who have travelled back in time to escape earth’s
destruction 2000 years in the future. The Caesar in Dawn is the child of a
regular 21st century ape who has had her DNA genetically altered by
being exposed to a virus that stimulates brain development. It is this virus
that wipes out most of humanity and accelerates the intelligence of the apes
that come in contact with it.
The two stories start with an ape society beginning to
codify its morality, embodied in it’ most sacred law ‘Ape shall never kill ape’.
It is in keeping this law that the apes believe sets them apart from humans,
who have effectively wiped themselves out as a species through nuclear holocaust
in Battle
and un-elaborated global conflicts, post virus, in Dawn. One major
difference between the two films is that Battle
presents a fledgling ape society where humans are also present. It appears that
various sympathetic humans have joined with the apes only to find themselves as
a tolerated underclass struggling to find acceptance amongst the three other
primate species. Caesar, although good friends with human adviser, Bruce McDonald
(Austin Stoker), still wrestles with the role that humans should play with in
his newly formed ape society. It is at this point that McDonald alludes to the
fact that the future may rely on a change in ape/human relationships. Before
long the two, in the company of an orang-utan scientist, Virgil (Paul Williams)
head into the irradiated ruins of the nearby human city to gain access to
recordings made by Caesar’s parents after their arrival from the future. McDonald
hopes that the recording will alert Caesar to the dangers of ape/human hostilities
and that unless otherwise mended, could end in the destruction of the earth in
2955. It is in the ruined city that the group comes into contact with the
mutants who still live in the city. The mutants are lead by Kolp (Severn Darden), the former
chief government interrogator from the previous film who still wants to see the
apes subservient again.
In Dawn, the apes have created a human
free community which is thrown into fear when a group of humans arrive looking
for a dam control center. Caesar in both films has experienced the positive side
of human ape relationship, and despite tensions between the groups, soon begins
a friendship with Malcolm, the leader of the human party. Shocked by the
arrival of humans after so many years, Caesar and hundreds of apes travel to
the human city and declare that they only want peace and demand that they be
left alone. Frightened by the ape’s show of force, Dreyfus (Gary Oldman), the
human leader begins a stock take of the human armoury in preparation for an ape

At this point in the plots of the both films we have a divergence.
Battle it
is ape/human society seeking information about the future that stumbles into
the home of the ‘other’. The other in this case is the mutant survivors of the
nuclear holocaust that ended 12 years before. In
Dawn it is humans in
search of their society’s future, through the access to electricity, which
brings them into the world of the ‘other’, the fledgling ape society. Both
films present that moment well known from history, human history that is, when
two vastly different cultures come face to face, each assuming superiority over
the other. Despite those with in each culture who seek peace, both societies
soon fall into conflict based on fear of the different. What hope does a future
of peace between ape and human have when humanity couldn’t event live at peace
with itself?
'Every Caesar has their Brutus.'
Both movies depict a Caesar who is wisely attempting to
guide his new found society in a direction of pacifism. ‘Ape has never killed
ape’ is the basic tenant of this ideology and it is this idea that apes believe
separates them from humanity and it’s history of conflict with itself. However
in both narratives Caesar faces opposition from a rival ape, a symbolic Brutus,
who has a score to settle with humanity to the point where he is prepared to
break the most sacred ape law. In
Escape to the Planet of the Apes, Cornelius
reveals that in ape legend it was an ape named Aldo who was the first to say ‘No’
to his human masters. In
Conquest of the Planet of the Apes,
we come across an ape named Aldo, a government messenger chimp beaten by police
after getting spooked by an anti-ape labour demonstration. It is this incident
that causes Caesar to yell out in defense of Aldo, thus arousing suspicion that
he may be the child of the talking apes from the future. It is this moment that
set in place the events that lead to the ape revolution. In
Battle, Aldo, now portrayed as a
gorilla general, is the leader of the gorilla army and bitterly resents Caesar’s
inclusion of human’s in his new society. He plots to arm his troops, destroy
all humans and to overthrow Caesar. Unfortunately Caesar’s son, Cornelius, over
hears the plot and is pushed out of a tree and mortally wounded by Aldo. Aldo then
raids the ape armoury; rounds up all the humans in the ape village into the
coral, just as an army of human mutants begin to attack the ape city. Following
the defeat of the mutants, and the slaughter of the survivors by Aldo’s
gorillas, Caesar confronts Aldo in relation to the death of his son. This
confrontation fittingly ends with Aldo falling to his death from a tree at
Caesar’s hand. The question is then asked by Caesar if one murder should be
repaid with another. Here Caesar realizes that violence and hatred of ones
brother is not just the domain of humanity but of ape as wel
Aldo’s equivalent in Dawn is a badly scarred bonobo named
Koba. In Rise, Koba is a lab ape who carries the marks of years of mistreatment
across his face and body. Initially loyal to Caesar, he becomes incensed when Caesar
befriends the humans who have come searching for the dam. Believing that Caesar
loves humans more than apes, he follows the humans back to their city, finds
their armoury and raids it. Driven by the need for revenge, Koba shoots Caesar,
and convinces the apes that it was perpetrated by humans. Soon Koba is leading
the apes, armed with stolen guns, in an attack against the human city. During
the battle, Koba demonstrates his willingness to kill any ape who disagrees
with him, throwing a chimp, Ash, to his death when he refuses to shoot an
unarmed human. This and other actions soon begin to polarise the apes,
especially those still loyal to the memory of Caesar, including Caesar’s son,
Blue Eyes. Fortunately Caesar is not dead, and after being nursed back to
health by Malcolm and his family, is able to regain the leadership of the apes
through the help of Blue Eyes. Once again we are presented with a scene where
Caesar confronts his rival in a battle to the death. This time, rather than a
tree, it is the remains of a multistory building from which Caesar’s rival
falls to his death. As Koba looks to Caesar to save him from falling, he
appeals for mercy saying, ‘Ape shall never kill ape’, to which Caesar replies,
‘Koba is not Ape’.
The Simian Loss of Innocence
Here we have an interesting contrast in the narratives of
the two films. Where as Caesar in Battle recognises that both apes and
humans can be guilty of violence and hatred, Caesar in Dawn insinuates that any
ape who deviates from the great law, ‘ape shall never kill ape’ is no longer
ape and therefore has no place amongst their number.
These divergent outcomes reflect the place these films play
in the narrative of the series. Battle
is a film that is attempting to wrap the up the Ape series with some kind of
conclusion. In the end Caesar chooses to include humanity in his new ape
society having seen that evil is no respecter of great ape species. The
narrative itself is presented as a flashback sequence, a tale told by the Ape
Lawgiver, 600 years after the events of the main story, to an audience of
humans and apes living in harmony. It is a film that has taken the story of The
Planet of the Apes as its starting point and has attempted to move the
narrative to a place which is more optimistic. Despite the final ambiguous, but
ominous, image of a weeping statue of Caesar, the suggestion is that things
have changed for the better on the planet of the apes and men, at least for the
time being. Dawn, on the other hand, is a part of a narrative that is working
toward the events of The Planet of the Apes. It ends with
Caesar’s sad realisation that further war with the humans is now inevitable.
Rather than finding a place for humans with in his ape society, he must
continue to protect and strengthen his community so it truly will be a place
where ‘ape shall never kill ape’, despite the forces that threaten it from with
'Who Knows the Future?'
It will be interesting to see where the creators of
Rise and
Dawn take the
Apes narrative next. The follow up to
Battle was a TV series that was set 415 years after the scenes with the Lawgiver, in an a future where once again apes were the dominant species and man was a slave class. It is, however, unclear whether it was set in the the same fictional
Apes universe as
Battle. Pictures of a futuristic New York City depicted long after the destruction of civilization as portrayed in the movies makes continuity with the film series difficult. It may have been that the creators of the television series merely wanted to set there story in an
Apes world where lost astronauts could face the latest ape villain of the week with out worrying about tangled time lines and changed destinies. For all intense and purposes the original Caesar narrative has come to it conclusion at the very same point that the new Caesar narrative is beginning to take off.
Dawn may easily be construed as a remake of
Battle but the next installment will be breaking new ground in the ongoing story of the
Planet of the Apes, as it heads to the point where the original series began. This also something that effects the overall tone of the movies. If the future at the end of
is an open book, the future in
Dawn is preordained and pessimistic.
narrative is working its way towards that moment when Colonel George Taylor collapses before
the half buried Statue of Liberty on a beach two thousand years in the future.
Both films tell the story of ape society’s loss of innocence and its first conflict
with its former oppressors since the initial revolution. However with out the
insight passed down by apes from the future in
Battle, the Caesar in
has to fight to create a future for his ape society rather than trying to avoid
a particular version of it that may end in a global mushroom cloud. Either way, it will be a future where the evolved exploits of humanity's closest relatives will continue to thrill audiences, as they have done since Boulle first unleashed his dystopian tale upon the world in 1963.